Spring Exhibition of Soyang

The Spring Canton Fair and the Hong Kong Electronics Fair arrived as scheduled. From April 13th to April 19th, under the leadership of General Manager Rose Luo, the foreign trade team of Zhejiang Soyang Group Co., Ltd. attended the exhibitions in Guangzhou and Hong Kong in two groups. This year's exhibitions showcased numerous innovations and changes. The team wore coordinated outfits, highlighting the company's culture and presenting a fresh appearance to seize new opportunities.

In addition to these innovative marketing strategies, Soyang Group also placed significant emphasis on customer interaction and feedback. The team engaged in detailed discussions with visitors, addressing their inquiries and providing tailored solutions to meet diverse needs. This proactive approach not only strengthened existing relationships but also helped in forging new partnerships.
The exhibitions also served as a platform for Soyang to highlight their latest product developments and technological advancements. The showcased products reflected the company's commitment to sustainability and cutting-edge technology. From eco-friendly materials to smart electronic devices, Soyang's offerings received positive feedback from attendees, underscoring the company's ability to stay ahead of industry trends.


The promotional channels were diversified; the sample booklets were presented in the form of QR codes. A simple scan provided access to the latest electronic catalog, which is more convenient and faster than traditional sample books, allowing customers to browse and consult anytime, anywhere. The appearance of Soyang's eco-friendly bags further acted as mobile promotional posters, introducing and showcasing Soyang through various channels at the new exhibition.

Despite thorough preparations and satisfactory customer flow, Chinese foreign trade enterprises are currently facing multiple challenges such as fierce competition, supply chain adjustments, and internal market pressures. "Confidence is more important than gold." For the vast number of foreign trade professionals, besides confidence, it is essential to have the craftsmanship to refine products and the ambition to explore new channels, thus moving one step closer to the market.


Overall, the participation in these exhibitions marked a significant step for Zhejiang Soyang Group Co., Ltd. in enhancing its global presence and market reach. By blending traditional values with modern innovation, Soyang continues to navigate the complex landscape of international trade, striving for excellence and sustainable growth.

Post time: May-27-2024

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